Sunday, October 23, 2005

Yes, I believe I am from Jersey

Let everyone know how "jersey" you are! X out the ones that apply to you:

[ ] You went to Seaside after your Senior Prom.
[ ] You watched "Mallrats" and said, "I've been to that mall!"
[x] At least half of the people you went to high school with went to Rutgers.
[ ] You know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.
[ ] Your big class trip in elementary school was to Morristown.
[ ] You long for the days when the Devil wore Christmas colors.
[x] You know that the only people who call it "Joisey" are from NY.
[x] You've been to the Meadowlands Fair.
[x] You've planned a local trip around passing at least one Dunkin Donuts.
[x] You do not think of citrus when people mention the "Oranges."
[x] You know that it's called "Great Adventure", not "Six Flags."
[x] You actually know bakeries that are not part of a supermarket, but are individual stores.
[ ] You've ordered a "hard roll with butter" for breakfast.
[ ] You've gone to a diner after drinking all night.
[x] You've eaten at that diner at 3 am at least a dozen times.
[ ] At least 3 people in your family still like Bruce Springsteen.
[x] "Anyone who makes bad pizza can bite me!"
[x] You always use at least 10 variation of "damn" while driving.
[x] You don't have to go to Red Lobster to get fresh seafood.
[x] You once said "It smells like New York in here."
[x] You can go bowling at 1:30 am (w/ automatic scoring).
[x] In high school, you knew someone who worked at a Friendly's or Stewart's.
[x] The Garden State Parkway does not freak you out at night.
[x] You know what a "jug handle" is.
[x] You have mandatory recycling - enforced by law.
[ ] You've eaten a porkroll, egg & cheese on a hard roll -- and loved it.
[x] You go to the boardwalk at least once a year.
[x] You've pondered..."Maybe basketball would be more popular in NJ if the Nets weren't here."
[x] You say the words "water", "coffee", "dog" and "whatever", like this "wadder", "cawfee", "dowg" and "wadever".
[x] Even your high school cafeteria made good subs.
[x] You've lived through hurricanes, nor'easters and brushfires, but you have never seen a tornado, earthquake, tsunami or volcano.
[x] You can't believe that MTV went to Seaside Heights.
[x] You know that ACME is an actual store, not just a Warner Bros. creation.
[x] You only go to NYC for day trips.
[x] You've run out of money on the Parkway.
[ ] You're Italian.
[x] You know where to get a great bagel.
[x] You think Perkins is terrible and should have never opened any restaurants here.
[x] There are no self-serve gas stations -- and you like it that way.
[ ] You have had sex on the beach (not the drink).
[x] You know how to successfully handle a traffic circle.
[x] The Jet/Giants game has started fights at your local bar.
[x] Your car is covered with yellow-green dust in April and May.
[x] You can't understand why there aren't any 24 hour diners in the rest of the country.
[x] You live within 45 minutes of at least 3 different malls.
[ ] Someone at the beach once called you a "benny."
[ ] You can see the NYC skyline from some part of your town.
[x] You know what MCCC is and a good percentage of people from your high school went there.
[x] You've seen or been in a fight over the Rangers and Devils.
[x] You have, or know someone who has, Mafia connections.
[x] You're related to someone who think the NY Jets should be the New Jersey Jets.
[x] You have at least one friend who drives a truck.
[x] You've been camping.
[x] You've been in a city or town where Spanish is spoken more than English.
[ ] You can't remember when Clifton didn't win a softball championship.
[ ] You know where to gets drugs in Trenton, Paterson, Newark or New York.
[ ] You've been to a party in the woods.
[x] You've purchased fireworks in Chinatown.
[ ] You've played in a P.A.L. league.
[ ] You liked the Jets, even before Bill Parcells.
[ ] You know where to get a fresh Taylor ham, egg and cheese at 2 am.
[x] You don't take no crap from no one.
[x] You remember Action Park and may have been seriously injured there.
[ ] At sometime you got on the wrong highway while trying to leave Willowbrook Mall.
[ ] Z-100 used to be your favorite, now it's K-Rock.
[x] Anything less than 3 inches of snow isn't worth your time.
[x] Someone on the road cut you off and you used at least four swear words to tell them what you thought.
[x] You think people from South Jersey talk funny.
[x] You know someone who lives in a neighborhood with contaminated water, because of toxic chemicals.
[x] You know there is no beach, just "the shore".
[ ] You know the names of the three Pep Boys.
[ ] You know what town Bruce Springsteen is from, which high school he went to and where he lives now.
[ ] You know what town Bon Jovi is from and can spell his real name.
[ ] You know where Kevin Smith's comic book store is. You also believe he's the model for the Simpsons' "Comic Book Guy".
[x] You can toss 35 cents out of your driver's side window into a funnel of 12" diameter at 55 mph.
[x] You've been to two malls in one day.
[x] When you want to know where people live, you ask "Which exit?"
[ ] You think the NJ State Motto should be "Road Closed"
[x] You're used to that strange smell that people from other states complain about.
[x] You know two wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights do make a left.
[x] You know pizza isn't pizza if it doesn't flop in the front with grease dripping off the end.
[x] You hate people who think you love Bon Jovi.
[x] You are a safe driver in New Jersey, but deadly elsewhere.

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