Friday, December 31, 2004

What a bummer

I thought this was the best break ever...until I found out that a guy was threatening to ruin the only friendship I truly care about. I never thought that something like this would happen between us, and even now that it is happening I wish it weren't. I didn't know one guy could single handedly (and painstakingly slowly) destroy a relationship like this. This whole situation is really confusing. I just pray the guy is worth all this crap.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Doing nothing rules

This break has to be one of the nicest breaks ever. I don't remember the last time when I didn't have to do anything. At all. The most urgent issue I'm dealing with right now is how to get my fish to mate and have babies. haha yeah it's pretty stressful alright. I wish it could be like this all year round.

Anyways, Christmas was pretty good, got to see a lot of family I haven't seen in a while (and these are the family members I like, which made it even better). I got to watch all eight of the younger cousins with Michele -- that was quite an experience. Half of them were fine sitting still and watching a movie, while the other half had ADD and couldn't sit for the life of them. And a word of advice to anyone who's gonna watch kids - don't feed them ice cream half hour before you put them to bed. lol big mistake there. Although it made for quite an entertaining and eventful evening. I'm surprised we didn't have to take anyone to the hospital. The worst 'boo-boo' we had was when the three year old thought she could dive through a glass table. That was quite humorious. All in all it was a good night. And it made for a good Christmas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

No more xbox

Yesterday was a sad day...Aaron aka ShAaron left to go back home to sunny Florida (where it's not nuckin futs cold out...lucky you). Goodbyes are never fun, especially when you know that you're never gonna see the person again (unless you really really don't like them). It'll definitely feel like something's missing with Aaron not here...Whose Xbox are we gonna play now?? And Wednesday night bible studies aren't going to be the same either. Donovan's gonna have to step up. or maybe we could get Mugz and Mugz's sister as back up (I'm just kidding really are great at it). But seriously, we're gonna miss you better come up to visit real soon!! And next time we'll have plenty of cookies for everyone. None of this hiding behind the screen stuff. =)

Anyway, this Thursday I'm having a 'bonfire' here at my house. I'm gonna burn all the papers from this semester -- feel free to join me if you've got things you wanna destroy too! We'll have lots of marshmallows and hot chocolate. Should be a huge stress reliever...and a lot of fun *

Friday, December 17, 2004

Procrastination at its finest

So it's the middle of finals, I've got four big exams in the next week, and what do I decide to do? Start a blog! Of all the productive things I could be doing right now, I pick the one thing that will get me absolutely nowhere. It seems like the internet's always coming up with new ways to distract those who should be doing something else. And I suppose if you're reading this, you're one of the suckers who is either too much of a procrastinator to be doing anything productive or has nothing better to do than to read the rants of others who are 'bored.' (and if i just offended anyone, I'm sorry, but it's the truth, isn't it??) So anyways, my head's gotta find itself back to the books. I'll be sure to leave an update next time I decide to procrastinate.

><> Happy studying for me <><