Sunday, May 21, 2006

la familia de nikitczuk Posted by Picasa
my best friend in the whole wide world Posted by Picasa
it's torture being related to him sometimes...for serious... Posted by Picasa
tai & maliha Posted by Picasa
nay and I finally graduated!! Posted by Picasa
the wayman Posted by Picasa
waiting for the commencement to start Posted by Picasa
Jenn and me on my graduation day!! Posted by Picasa
Emily got tired of riding her bike half way through and 'couldn't do it anymore!!' so i had to carry it the rest of the way Posted by Picasa
yes, the kids were playing with water guns Posted by Picasa
she loves gold digger - what's not to love about her?? Posted by Picasa
the bestest girls in the world Posted by Picasa
Point people - I love you guys!! Posted by Picasa
Emily liked her Care bear helmet Posted by Picasa
We got to babysit the Falko kids as my cousin was having her 5th child - yes she's crazy - and they were hilarious, as usual Posted by Picasa
Mr. Spike Lee spoke at Jenn's graduation - despite him being Spike Lee, he was quite a boring speaker - all he got was a polite applause at the end. I almost felt bad for him, until I remember he just got paid thousands for that retarded speech, and I didn't feel bad for him anymore Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The end of an era

I graduate today!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Night club worship

AIM users are going to be offered a free phone number (see here for story). Because we don't have enough numbers to remember, and there aren't enough ways to reach people nowadays. The service comes out May 16 - it'll be interesting to see where it goes.

Oh and having church in a club is bizarre but awesome. The Point met this Sunday at Platinum, a club in downtown New Brunswick. It was weird seeing bottles of alcohol behind the pastor as he spoke, but besides that the atmosphere was amazing - very retro and laid back and chill and just plain comfortable. It was neat worshiping in that environment. It really made the saying 'church isn't about the place, it's about the people' so incredibly real.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Alcohol is evil

Never ever ever put alcohol on a blister. Unless you have a sick sick enjoyment of pain. I went golfing today, and I didn't have a glove so I got a blister on my hand. Nothing very big, just bothersome. Anywho, my hands felt all nasty at the end of the day so I did what most normal people did and washed them - nothing wrong, no fits of agony going on here. While I was on the way home, my hands still felt yucky so I put the antibacterial stuff on my hand and HOLY CRAP it hurt!! All I remember was sharp shooting pains on my hand and screaming. Maybe a black out, i don't remember....ok, maybe not that bad, but it did hurt like hell and it's definitely not something I'd do again.

So remember kids, next time you have an itty bitty blister, say no to alcohol!

Peace, I'm out -

Monday, May 01, 2006

they crack me up Posted by Picasa
Haha we taught them well Posted by Picasa