Wednesday, November 23, 2005

more doctor stories

So I went to the eye doctor yesterday (yes, it is health week for me), and the guy rendered me blind for 24 hours. Seriously, he put those drops in that dilate your pupils and make your eye go nuckin futs. I could only clearly see things that were 10 feet away (and I had to drive home by the way - that was a fun trip). I was seriously handicapped the rest of the day, which was not cool at all. My focusing abilities were shot - I know now what it feels like to have far-sighted vision...I couldn't see a thing that was right in front of me. That had to be the most frustrating thing -- I tried for a good minute to focus on a book in front of me and just couldn't do it. He did give me these uber cool sunglasses to wear in case the light got too bright, but unfortunately it didn't and I couldn't wear them. I did get to catch up on tv, cuz the couch was conveniently 10 feet away from the television set and that was about all I could do. The doc didn't see anything wrong with my eyes, and my vision has returned to normal, so it's all good.

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