Thanksgiving was spent in Maryland (you can't break the tradition) at my cousin's house. It was mayhem, as usual. We (as in my siblings and the Siwak's, my cousins) did get upgraded to the 'almost adult' table, instead of having to sit at the kid's table, which was a nice change :) The old people even trusted us enough to give us real goblets instead of the plastic ones. And we got these ginormous butcher knives to use instead of puny steak knives - that might not have been a smart idea, since Laura almost poked Kevin's eye out.
The friday after most of the cousins went to DC to see the sites. Someone (umm, not quite sure who, for serious) thought it'd be a great idea to go to the modern art museum with the young'uns, and needless to say that was quite an experience, attempting to explain the art in a 'good' way to 12 year olds. We came awfully close to getting kicked out, and I'm surprised they even let us stay as long as we did.