Never ever ever put alcohol on a blister. Unless you have a sick sick enjoyment of pain. I went golfing today, and I didn't have a glove so I got a blister on my hand. Nothing very big, just bothersome. Anywho, my hands felt all nasty at the end of the day so I did what most normal people did and washed them - nothing wrong, no fits of agony going on here. While I was on the way home, my hands still felt yucky so I put the antibacterial stuff on my hand and HOLY CRAP it hurt!! All I remember was sharp shooting pains on my hand and screaming. Maybe a black out, i don't remember....ok, maybe not that bad, but it did hurt like hell and it's definitely not something I'd do again.
So remember kids, next time you have an itty bitty blister, say no to alcohol!
Peace, I'm out -