Sunday, December 03, 2006

ways to weird people out: 101

I'd love to try some of these in the med school building elevators -

Things To Do In A Crowded Elevator:
1) Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
2) Shake the person's hand when he/she enter the lift.
3) Congratulate all for being in the same lift with you.
5) Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, all of you just shut UP!".
6) Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.
7) Sell Girl Scout cookies.
8) On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.
9) Shave.
10) Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: "Got enough air in there?"
11) Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours upside-down.
12) Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off
15) Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.
16) One word: Flatulence!
19) Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"
20) When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now, motion sickness!"
30) Burp, and then say "mmmm...tasty!"
31) Leave a box between the doors.
32) Ask each passenger getting on if you can push the button for them.
33) Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it.
34) Start a sing-along.
35) When the elevator is silent, look around and ask "is that your beeper?"
36) Play the harmonica.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Starry eyed surprise

I went home this past weekend and had the pleasure of discovering stars again. Living in the city, I hardly look up at the sky at night, unless it's to look at the hideousness that is the Annenberg building (for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing its grandiousness, it's the scary looking brownish-black monstrosity that towers above the upper east side) or the Empire State Building engulfed in red splendor (go RU!!!). You can count the number of stars visible from the confines of Manhattan with your fingers (on really good nights you might need a toe or two), and I've gotta admit, it's a little depressing. Sure we've got the twinkling lights of Times Square and Broadway, but nothing can compare to seeing a shooting star streak across the midnight sky, or the twinkling of a bajillion stars against a pitch black background. For the first time in a really really long time I got to see this again, and aside from not having a dish washer, it's gotta be one of the things I miss the most from back home. I was coming home from a mini roadtrip with my brother through some back roads, with the sunroof open, and I could not peel my eyes away from the sky. I sat there and stared up, amazed at the whole thing. I felt like lying down in a field and staring at the sky till dawn. Unfortunately, we got closer to civilization and the street lamps started simultaneously blinding me while erasing the stars from the sky.

It's things like this that make me think that maybe, just maybe, people living out in the middle of nowhere, with an expanse of sky and an uncountable number of stars glittering as far as the eye can see, have it better. But then I remember that these people don't have the magnificent lights and glitter of the NYC skyline that I get to look at everyday :)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The guys in the first year MSTP class decided to have a mustache growing contest in honor of the borat movie that's coming out at the beginning of november. it's interesting, to say the least

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Memoirs of Little Italy

Miss Gitti

When you're bored what better thing is there to do than to do the robot?

I squish your head. And this one's typical of me - electronic in one hand, another electronic in the other

Hahaha this one's wrong on so many levels


Gettin jiggy with it

Gitti couldn't hear the music - or was pretending she didn't know them

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Med students can have fun

So after a very very long week, myself and a few other mudphuds decided that a trip to Atlantic City was desperately needed - we went down by bus, which took about 2 1/2 hours (yes it was gruelling sitting on a bus for that long, but it was well worth it). I considered it a successful trip - even though I came out slightly in the red, I did learn how to play craps! You really do learn something new everyday =)

Myself, mikegreen, and jedd outside the casinos

Mr. Tom Hays himself

Monday, September 25, 2006

White coat ceremony

So last week the med school had a big ceremony where they gave all the first years their first white coats :) And if you know anything about me, you (should) know that I love everything white, so this is uber fantastic. Not to mention it's the precursor to what I'm gonna be wearing the rest of my career

I get to wear white...

The fam minus jason

The closest thing we could get to a mudphud pic

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Day in the Life of a Med Student

I thought I'd give everyone a small itsy bitsy glimpse into what a medical student's typical day is like:

07:04 - Wake up to a ringing telephone (my new alarm clock) - 7:04 because 7:00 is too early and 7:05 is too late - after having gone to sleep at two the previous morning doing who knows what. Eat breakfast, shower, get ready and head out the door

07:52 - Get on the elevator with at least one other person

07:53 - stop at the next floor to pick up another student or two

07:55 - stop at the next floor - and the next, and the next, and the next...since I have to go down 14 floors, there's seldom a morning that the elevator doesn't stop at least 5 times. The elevators are definitely what make my morning commute longer than it should be. And you people on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors, take the stairs!!! By the time the elevator gets to your floor, it's already full anyways, so what's the point of waiting for an empty one??

07:58 - Get to the Annenburg elevator bank (Annenburg is essentially the med school building of Sinai) and repeat the whole waiting for an elevator but in reverse

08:00 - Listen and learn like a good student for 2 hours about development, with a 10 minute break in the middle.

10:00 - Sit in the most boring class in the world for way too long - pinch yourself multiple times to stay awake and try really really ridiculously hard to pay attention to a professor that you can't understand in the first place: this causes you to revert back to undergrad intro engineering classes, which causes you even more pain

11:30 - Eat lunch in the cafeteria - the grilled chicken sandwich is pretty good, even though you had to practically inhale it

12:00 - Go up 12 floors again for another hour long lecture

01:00 - The best part of the day: anatomy lab!! The use of electric power saws and being able to see the spinal cord makes you forget about how tired you are and how clueless you are about what's actually going on.

04:30 - Get back to your apartment, after navigating the elevators, change, and take the bike out for a lovely ride around Central Park

06:00 - Dinner!! But you don't finish before you set off the smoke alarm. Luckily you shut it off before the fire department has to be called

07:00 - Attend a review session for the 2 hour morning class, which makes you feel like you're in elementary school again because you're recalling the colors

08:00 - Catch a subway down to midtown, after having left the review session early out of pure frustration

08:45 - Karaoke!!! Sing your heart out, butcher Mariah Carey and show off those jazz hands

12:34 - Walk back into the residence hall and catch an express elevator up to your floor. Instead of crashing as soon as you walk into your room, being the good student that you are, you pull out your anatomy books and review for the next hour or so.

02:00 - Finally shut off the light and pass out, knowing deep in the back of your head that you get to do it all over again *

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Augustana & Snow Patrol

me michele and jenn went to philly this past weekend for an augustana and snow patrol concert - we ate at this really cute thai/malaysian restaurant, where michele's food came in a pineapple. it was adorable

Augustana (and jenn's favorite guitarist ever)

snow patrol had an awesome light show - and it seemed like the main singer was high or on something the entire time. but it was a great show!!

michele and myself with an intoxicated guitarist and the drummer from augustana

groupies ;)

jenn got to meet her obsession - and i mine (what can i say, i love piano players)
on a lazy sunday in central park
Evan, me, and Rachel before a round of mini golf and jay driving slugs

Monday, August 28, 2006

oh Jersey

I came across this survey and realized how much (or maybe it's how little??) I miss Jersey:

Have you ever found yourself at a diner at one o'clock in the morning?

In the summer, do you "go down the shore"?

Have you been to places featured in HBO's The Sopranos?

Are you Italian or do you have very Italian friends?

Do you remember Action Park?
- Yes, and something wasn't quite right about it

Do you feel both offended and proud when Hollywood mocks New Jerseyans?

Does it bother you that New Jersey sports teams are refered to as New York teams?

Can you drive for five minutes without going past a mall?

Do you know how to pump your own gas?

Do you suspect the neighbor down the street is in the mafia?

Do you live within ten minutes of three different highways?

Do you know where to get the dollar slice of pizza on the boardwalk?

Do you enjoy all four seasons?

Do you know where to get some good bagels, good sushi or good Indian curry?

Do you call it "miniature golf" and know a good place to play?

Have you gone into New York City by boat, bus, car, and train at some point?

"You guys" vs. "ya'll" - Which would you say:

Would you laugh if someone says "pop" instead of "soda"?

Did you ever get excited when you caught channel 12 giving a shout out to your town?

Ever had a fat sandwich from a grease truck?

Saturday, August 26, 2006


So I wake up this morning and realize there's a leak in my ceiling. Seriously. Right over my bed too. I told the maintenance guy about it, and he tells me that I might have to move apartments. That's gonna be a bummer. I was really liking this apartment. And I was all set to paint and everything. Maybe I can just pray for it to not rain anymore, and then I won't have to worry about leaks :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006


some of the first year mudphuds outside of Aron with a 'that guy'

jedd getting a hot dog from the ice cream stand

my backyard :)

some more first year mudphuds at shakespeare's tower thingy

the famous central park fountain

look closely - if you get this, props and 1209743798 cool points...and i just lost 82975938 cool points for giving away 1209743798 cool points. but seriously, if you don't get this, I can no longer be your friend...

First yeart mudphuds

one of the many reasons why I love living in NY

more mudphuds...

On a Sunday

Superman looking quite super

don't ask

sugar high

ghetto supastars

We went over to george's one night, since his 'roommates' were out of town. These were the really really ridiculously good cooks

that strawberry cheesecake was devoured 5.7 seconds after this picture was taken

no one looks normal in this picture -- but you'll never find a rooftop like that in central jersey

joel and ashley showing off their salsa skills

yes, he was about to push my face...oooooh face...while bringing sexyback - but only jorge can truly do that ;)
Aaron's going for the sexy smoldering look here. I was trying to do serious ukie, and who knows what you'd call ashley's Posted by Picasa
Only in NY Posted by Picasa

Uncle Paulio-String-Cheese's Bday BBQ

My cousins, me and my aunt at my uncle's bday bbq Posted by Picasa

I gave my cousins the camera (the one with the blonde hair in the last picture and another little twit) and these are just some of the lovely shots they got Posted by Picasa

This is what the cake looks like when you're 4 years old and can barely see over the counter Posted by Picasa

More feet Posted by Picasa

They had fun posing for eachother Posted by Picasa

Squirt's-eye view Posted by Picasa

She looks all innocent...don't let looks fool you Posted by Picasa