A little about the pictures below the post:
I went to a Tau Beta Pi convention in Salt Lake City, Utah with Nay for an extended weekend. It was a nice break from school work and Jersey, but I've gotta say, I'm glad I live here. Who needs an orange flag to cross the street? And they've got little birdies seranading you as you cross the street, too. Man those people are odd...
For the pictures that are to come, I went to MidKnight Madness for the Rutgers basketball team. The guys on the team are huge. You have to seriously strain your neck to look up at them. I got to give everyone R tattoos, and all the little kids who came were so cute! I felt bad cause the water we used was cold, and they'd all cringe when we put it on them. But then they'd give these goofy smiles when they saw the red R on them, and it was all better =)