Within I think about a week virtually all of the baby fish disappeared/died. Sorry to everyone who I told would get one, because I honestly don't know if any are going to survive to adult hood. Works out good for me, less work I've gotta do and I won't have to try to figure out where to put them all when they get bigger.
Good news, my crippled hand is getting better (slowly, but it is). I still feel like a retard when I wear the brace, cuz I can hardly do anything with it on. I still remember when I first got it on, just turning on the car took a good minute or two, by the time I got the key in the ignition and turned the car on (all done in a retarded manner with the left hand). I have now passed that milestone though =) But if you've seen me try to use a writing utensil in the past couple of days, you know that I look like a 3 year old writing with one of those ginormous crayons. The writing even looks like it, too.
Despite my injury and the doctor's suggestion to stay away from putting weight on the hand, I can't stay away from the little ones, and I spent Valentine's Day with two of my favorites, the Walker twins. I'll post a picture or two of them after this. They were the cutest dates ever!